No. 1: My first day photographing on the street. She told me her real name.Felicita
No. 2: A week later, testing me... I was interviewing another woman. She came in and pulled down her panties. I took the shot and returned to what I was doing. The problem was that she thought that was what I wanted. The next time I saw her, she pulled up her blouse. I took the shot, but this time it bothered me... it was then that I realized that she thought that was what I wanted. I talked to her about it. We were fine after that point.Felicita
No. 3: Three months later. She said the photo was a niece of hers. She had talked about a brother dying and another brother that didn't get along with her. I'd like to know who the niece is and where she is.Felicita
No. 4: I lost track of her for 6 months -- she was in rough shape when we found her. This is one of the very few times that I've shot when the person wasn't aware of it. I did show her the photo later.Felicita
No. 5: She cuts herself. "I have days when I hate myself. On those days I don't do anything, I try to stay away from everyone so I won't offend them."Felicita
No. 6: Three to six months before I left. She was doing better, off drugs. She couldn't have kids, but was always taking care of those around her.Felicita
No. 7: A childhood friend that she was helping. Felicita: We've been friends since we were little girls. I have helped her a lot. The friend: She helps me because... I have five kids with no father.Felicita
No. 8: My last visit. Her arms were healingFelicita
No. 9: My last visit. She survived another 17 years. I have talked with friends and relatives, but I don't have a clear picture of what happened to her after this last photo. I continue to search for her grave.